At the University of Louisville, the student-led organization Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) focuses on examining the “situation in Israel and the Occupied Territories of Palestine by way of educational events, solidarity movements, and awareness campaigns.” Their efforts reflect a growing trend in youth activism, one that adapts to modern tools like social media to amplify their message.
Over the years, students have been at the forefront of many social justice movements. The Vietnam War protests of the 1960s and 1970s are a prime example, inspiring youth across the United States to speak out for what they believe in. Without the internet, activists relied on posters and flyers to bring attention to events like marches, sit-ins and teach-ins, growing the strength of the movement. Similarly, SJP acts as a driving force for change.
“Students have always been sort of the anchor to most political social causes, the students are the ones with nothing to lose,” an anonymous SJP member said.
Where the Vietnam protests required face-to-face interactions to organize events, newfound access to a variety of social media platforms allow broader audiences to see updates and calls to action instantly.
While SJP focuses mainly on raising awareness about Palestinian issues, they also educate people about past social movements in order to inspire future generations of activists. Through educational events, rallies and collaborations with other organizations, SJP encourages youth to get involved in advocacy efforts and understand the significance of global activism. This strategy mirrors the teach-ins of the Vietnam era, where understanding the context of the war was essential to the protests. Throughout the years, education remains the foundation of effective activism.
One of the events held to inspire new participation was the 10 Days of Rage, spanning from Oct. 3-13, 2024. The 10 Days of Rage was made up of a multitude of different activities, including protests, educational events and speeches from guest speakers aiming to increase participation and awareness. On Oct. 5 2024, SJP held a statewide protest at Waterfront Park, where journalists, content creators, and more spoke.
The last event during the 10 Days of Rage was Gaza’s One-Year Remembrance on Oct. 13, which was also held at Waterfront park near the Big Four Bridge, and the diversity of the crowd that gathered was striking.
The growing diversity highlights how SJP’s message of solidarity echoes across various communities.
“It’s definitely become more open to allowing different people into the cause and that’s a good thing because we’re Students for Justice in Palestine, we’re not the Muslim Student Association,” an officer of SJP said.
This sentiment is proven by the sponsors of this event, seeing as many different organizations were present: VOCAL-KY Buddhist Justice Collective, Committee for Peace in the Middle East, Louisville Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR) and Louisville Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ). All of these organizations provided guest speakers who spoke about their personal experiences and why they believe the violence in the Middle East should end, unifying them despite the speakers’ and attendees’ different backgrounds.
During the One-Year Remembrance for Gaza, there was an area for children to make their own kites, decorating them with Palestinian stickers and colors.
“It felt really good. I could fly the kite and support Palestine, and still have fun,” Ali Soudani, 10, said.
Despite the differences in tactics and tools, the roots of activism remain unchanged. Whether it’s through Vietnam-era marches or contemporary Instagram campaigns, the goal is to educate, empower and mobilize communities.
“We’ve made sure that we’re going beyond the protests, we’re going beyond the marches, we’re going beyond the rallies, and we’re educating and organizing people,” an anonymous SPJ member said.
Through their events, SJP demonstrates that true change requires more than just showing up – it requires education, empowerment and sustained action. By providing resources, fostering dialogue and inviting people of all backgrounds to join them, SJP exemplifies the power of collective action and education.